The electrical supply industry (ESI) always needs skilled workers. One way to find electrician jobs in the ESI is through an electrical labour hire company. Electrical labour hire in Sydney is popular for a number of reasons. Primarily, it benefits both employers and those looking for work.

Employers in need of skilled workers for a short period of time have access to fully screened and safety-trained electricians. Skilled workers benefit by having another avenue towards securing the job they want.

We’ve prepared a few tips below to ensure you get the most benefit from working in labour hire.

Be open to different opportunities

If you’re extremely particular about the types of work you want to do, labour hire may not be for you. There are other ways to find electrical jobs, so all is not lost. However, when working as a labour hire, you need to be flexible and available. All sorts of jobs could come your way, and if you’re usually easy to deal with, agencies are likely to call you first.

Naturally, you don’t need to go out of your comfort zone. You still need to be able to perform the duties of a job competently, so it’s ok to refuse opportunities with good reason. Otherwise, be open to what comes your way because it could open up a whole new career path.

Maintain good relationships with host employers

Working in electrical labour hire gives you plenty of chances to grow your professional network. Since you’ll meet multiple host employers, you should try to make a great impression. People within the industry often talk, and a good recommendation can mean everything. So, impress your host employers and maintain those relationships where possible. They could be very handy in the future!

Be reliable

Remember that many electrical labour hire jobs in Sydney are short-term. In some cases, you’re a bit like a temp. You use your skillset to fill in when a host employer needs it. As such, host employers require excellent reliability. They may already be down a staff member, so they can’t have labour-hire staff failing to turn up.

Just like any job, turn up on time and be reliable for your host employer. Naturally, the employer gives feedback to your electrical labour hire company, and they, too, need confidence in your reliability.

Keep your resume updated

While some labour hire placements occur quickly, without the need for an entire application process, keeping your resume updated is still a good idea. The beauty of labour hire is that you’ll potentially work for several employers. When adding each placement to your resume, avoid making it appear that you jump from job to job frequently. Add one employment listing for the period of time working for an electrical labour hire in Sydney. Under that, list the individual employers and positions held to showcase your diversity.

Want work in electrical labour hire in Sydney?

If you’re a reliable, skilled individual looking for work in the ESI, Supply Workforce is here to help. We place qualified workers in electrical supply industry jobs. We also offer services for electrical labour hire in Sydney. So, whether you’re looking for a short-term contract or a long-term career, we’re here to help. Contact our friendly team today, and find out how we can help you.